Tailored Relationship Coaching Services

Healthy relationships between partners, family, and friends are integral to our overall happiness, and research has shown that our health can be significantly affected when a relationship becomes fractious. Through my relationship coaching services, I help you to establish healthy relationships with those around you. Contact me for more information on my coaching and how I can help you.

Relationship Coaching

There is compelling evidence showing that strong relationships contribute to a long, healthy, and happy life. A relationship is a way in which two or more people regard and behave towards each other.

There are two different types of relationships. These are personal and business.

Personal Relationships

This category includes your relationships with:

Personal relationships 1

  • Yourself

  • Highest Source (God)

  • Spouse and Kids

  • Siblings and Parents

  • Friends and Community

Business Relationships

This includes workplace relationships including:

Business Relationships 2

  • Peer to Peer

  • Between Teams

  • Between Corporate Divisions

  • Between Customer and Vendors

Many people hire a coach because they do not want to lose a relationship they value. As your coach, I work with you to construct a custom-designed programme that is tailored to your individual needs. Moreover, in my coaching, I also equip you with the tools and resources you need to build positive relationships with others.

Throughout your coaching sessions, you will gain personal strength, self-awareness, and respect. These new-found qualities enable you to stand back, see the pattern, see the triggers to the pattern, identify the underlying fear and or anger, and replace the negativity with your inner reservoir of love. Once you have reframed your anger/fear, a new world emerges.

Contact me

to find out more about my bespoke relationship coaching.

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